
Quantum Chess - #QuantumChess

Created by Chris Cantwell

A centuries old game of strategy taken to a new dimension. Use quantum moves to battle on a board that exists in quantum superposition.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Alpha Release Announced!
over 8 years ago – Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 12:05:34 AM

Hey everyone, we have an alpha release date!  

On Friday, July 8th 2016, some of our backers will be able to download the Quantum Chess Alpha!  We will also be having a live stream that day to celebrate. Let us know in the comments for this update what you'd like to see during the stream!  

Thank you everyone for your patience.  The other rewards are coming along as well.  Stay tuned for information on how everything, including those alpha keys, will be distributed.

Updates, and Another Live Stream!
almost 9 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2016 at 12:30:10 AM

Hey everyone!

I know, it has been a while.  We've been hard at work on Quantum Chess so we can get it out to all of you.  Here are some updates on progress!

We Have a Logo!  Check it out on top of the familiar space background.  Let us know what you think in comments for this update, your feedback can make it better!


Game Progress:

1.  The Networking port is nearly complete:  The original networking code was written using tools that are no longer being supported, so we had to redo it using new code libraries (vague I know... NDA's, sorry).

2. New Art:  Since we had to work on networking for the Alpha release anyway, we figured why not put the artists to work to give it a shiny new look!

3. Custom Music:  Again, we have been using the wait time wisely.  The Alpha will launch with some great music (If you watch the stream you've gotten a taste!)

4. AI:  We managed to stretch some of the funding to get a rudimentary AI going.  That means the Alpha will launch with a computer opponent!  It isn't very smart, but it is a start!

Live Stream 5/26 at 6:30 PM PST (GMT -8)

Join us tomorrow to watch, and play with the audience, some Quantum Chess!  We'll talk all things quantum.  Chat live on our Quantum Chess discord channel!

Join the stream HERE!

Join the Discord Chat HERE!

Saturday Live Stream, Control A Player!
almost 9 years ago – Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 09:59:22 PM

 Join us Saturday, April 2, at 6pm PST (GMT-8) for another Quantum Chess Live Stream.  Experience Quantum Chess with the rest of the viewers as you cooperatively control one of the players! Click Here

Join the Fun!
Join the Fun!

Progress Update:

Here's a little update for all of our patient fans waiting for the game.  We're hard at work getting the alpha out to you guys.  Integrating it with Steam for distribution is under way, and it might even have a bit of an art update!

Thanks for being such a great community,

QC Team

Live Stream Coming!
almost 9 years ago – Sun, Mar 27, 2016 at 04:34:59 PM

Hey everyone!  I realize this is the first post-kickstarter update.  Sorry for that, I didn't realize we could continue posting updates after the completion!

I want to send out a big thank you to all of our backers, and the whole Kickstarter team!  

We couldn't have done it without everyone.  And now Quantum Chess is coming to the world!  We have some exciting development news that we'll be dishing out in the near future.  But first, we have a live stream coming on our new Quantum Chess twitch channel!

Saturday, 3/26 at 12PM PST (GMT -8) we have a live stream coming with Chris and Kevin (MadnessMethodOperation) Yazdi again!  Check it out here!

We want to start doing these streams weekly, so stay tuned for the schedule!  And be on the look out, we'll be sending out some surveys soon to get information so we can get you guys your rewards!

Thanks again,

QC Team

about 9 years ago – Fri, Mar 04, 2016 at 05:42:11 PM

Dear Backers!!

Just ONE hour left!!

Tune in LIVE right now, while Chris Cantwell challenges his advisor, Cal Tech's Spiros Michalakis, the mastermind behind the Anyone Can Quantum Video, to a game of Quantum Chess! 

There's still time to grab a last minute add-on bonus HERE

We are incredibly grateful for each and every one of you and every penny we've raised!

Thank you to our latest backers! 
801) th3Prof3ssor
802) Frieder Koch
803) Sanjay Doshi
804) Dustin
805) Jims
806) Chris Colbath
807) Gavin Rich
808) Andrew Goddu
809) Jose Daniel Gomez de Segura
810) Matthew O'Brien
811) Benoit Lauzon
812) Dan
813) Mark Girard
814) Jeffrey Quisenberry
815) James Priebnow
816) Ian Beachler
817) Ryan HH
818) Steven Lord
819) Eric Oganesian
820) Nam
821) Raymi Klingers
822) Jeroen Struben
823) James Ingham
824) Martin Be
825) Svetlana
826) Peter Lyons
827) KazuyaDarklight
828) Shaira Rock
829) Cameron Bradford
830) Ryan
831) Joshua Sobozenski
832) Ricghard Libera

Thank You!